Installation Guides / User Manuals

VDS-3000 IR (infra-red) HD Video - Installation Guide / User Manual

VDS-3000 RF (radio-frequency) HD Video - Installation Guide / User Manual

VDS-1000 Video - Installation Guide / User Manual

Product End of Life Notification - 2024

Trouble Shooting / How-To Guides

How-To Guide - Determining Model of System

How-To Guide - XM-5000 and VDS-3000 - Changing RF Channels

How-To Guide - Proper Placement of IR Sensors

How-To Guide - 2009-2012 Models - Removing-Replacing Memory Card

How-To Guide - VDS-1500 - Removing-Replacing SD Memory Card

How-To Guide - VDS-3000 - Removing-Replacing the SD Memory Card

Trouble Shooting: Video Display is not Right

Frequently Asked Questions

Issue: What information do I need to know when contacting you for troubleshooting help or service?


Please let us know:

  • Toy or Video
  • Model, such as XM-5000, VDS-1500, or VDS-3000
  • RF (radio-frequency) or IR (infra-red)
  • Approximate age of system - precision is not needed for this

Issue: How do I know what model I have?


  • The easiest way to determine the model is to look at the bottom front of the remote control.
  • It will say something like: “VDS-3000 IR” or “XM-5000 RF”.
  • See our How-To Guide - Determining Model of System.

Issue: The video display is not right. We get the menu or something else that shows, not the VRA videos.


  • The memory card has likely gone bad.
  • A first step in diagnosing the memory card is to see if the memory card from the video unit that is working makes the “bad” unit work properly.
  • Start by swapping the memory card from the “good” unit into the bad “unit” - see our How-To Guide on changing memory cards for your appropriate model.
  • If swapping the memory cards fixes the “bad” unit, then the memory card has gone bad and it is time to replace it.
  • We recommend replacing the memory cards in both units at the same time to avoid this issue again in the future.
  • New memory cards can be purchased here.

Issue: The video display stays bright all the time.


Issue: The remote control in one booth sometimes operates the unit in another booth.


  • Do you have a RF (radio-frequency)? You can check the bottom of the front of the remote control. After the model name it will say “RF” if you have an RF system.
  • There is RF signal bleed from one room to another.
  • There are four available channels with Pehratek RF remotes and RF receivers.
  • If you have multiple rooms with RF systems, we recommend you use different channels in the rooms to eliminate the RF signal bleed.
  • See our How-To Guide: Changing RF Channels – XM-5000 and VDS-3000
  • Another option is to convert your system from RF to IR.
  • We have conversion kits available.
  • However, RF can be simpler to use. IR requires a direct line-of-sight from the remote control to the IR sensors.

Issue: The video display flickers.


  • Is this an IR (infra-red) system?
  • This is likely due to the placement of the IR sensors.
  • The IR sensors should not be mounted on the monitor or within 18 inches of the monitor.
  • Relocate the IR sensors away from the monitors. 
  • You can see our How-To Guide: How to Place IR Sensors 

Issue: When we push buttons on the remote, nothing happens. There is no activity with either Left or Right Monitors.


  • There are a number of things to check if nothing is happening with the VRA system. We’ll start with some basic things to check first to try to narrow down the problem. Sorry some of them are basic - we’re not trying to insult anyone’s intelligence!
  • Replace the batteries in the remote with fresh batteries.
  • Check both ends of the power cords. Ensure that they are inserted snuggly. They can become loose over time or due to movement.
  • If this is an IR (infra-red) system, ensure that you have a clear line of sight from the remote control to an IR sensor when using remote.
  • If you have walked through all of these steps and have not resolved the problem, there is likely an issue with the remote control or the signal receiver(s).
  • We recommend replacing both the remote and receiver(s). If after you receive the new remote and receiver you find that you only need one of those, you can return the unneeded component for a full refund. 

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